(UK) 0247 692 0247; (US) 713 530 9470; (Nigeria) 0817 788 2222



We’ll help you buy whatever you want from your favourite online stores and ship to your doorstep; anywhere in the world. Secure ordering and fast delivery.

1. Complete Order Form

Tell us the items you would like us to purchase for you.

2. We Order Your Items

Our procurement team will place the order and keep you informed every step of the way.

3. We Notify You

We will notify you when your orders are delivered to our warehouse.

How It Works

Process of ordering

1. Tell Us What You Want

Browse & find the goods you want (minimum order value is £250)

Send us full details by completing our secure Buy4Me order form or sending all the details via email, Add the URL and product attributes (size, colour etc).

2. Availability & Order

We’ll check if the items are available and we’ll notify you of the total price including domestic shipping and our fees.

You then pay the *First Payment (Order Total and Domestic shipping charges plus our procurement fees) into our Bank Account.

3. Order Your Items

We’ll Order your items and notify you when its been delivered. You can then decide whether to consolidate your order and choose the shipping method.

You then pay for appropriate costs for delivery to your doorstep.

4. Shipment To Your Doorstep

We’ll check and repackage your items as per your instructions and your package will be shipped to your doorstep in the world.
Shipping cost to Nigeria

How much does it cost?

Procurement fees:

10% of (Total cost of your purchase + Domestic shipping fee)
**£25 charge apply to all orders below (minimum order value £250)

How & When Do I Pay?

How and when do I pay?
Shipping charge is advised, once goods arrived/processed at our warehouse and payment is expected to be made accordingly.